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Looking Ahead: Using AI to Build Dynamic Cost Models
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Looking Ahead: Using AI to Build Dynamic Cost Models

Provide your email address to download Muir AI's white paper on how the changing supplier and product landscape requires innovative approaches for should-cost analysis.

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Scope 3 Reduction Planning Template for 2025

Did you know Scope 3 emissions account for up to 90% of a company’s carbon footprint? Yet, many organizations struggle to gather accurate data and prioritize actions. This template simplifies the process, empowering you to take effective action.

Unlock the formula you need to accelerate Scope 3 reductions in your company's supply chain

Our Reduction Planning Template will help you unlock insights for how to:

✔️ Plan a Product Carbon Footprint strategy
✔️ Move from constant inventory to actualizing reductions
✔️ Learn where to focus your reduction strategy with insights into key product categories

Thank you for downloading our planning template. Inspiration is on the way
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Start Your Journey Towards Change

At Muir, our team of engineers, data scientists, and sustainability experts are dedicated to creating technology that combats climate change and paves the way for a sustainable future.

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Leverage existing data

Muir estimates emission with the data corporations already have, making it easy to get results.

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Rich data & analytics

Through Muir's Intelligence Platform, you have access to deep data and insights that will allow you to be informed decisions regarding your suppliers and products.

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Optimize your strategy

With Muir, you will have actionable data to create a roadmap based on your supply chain. Muir's insights help corporations to identify the highest priority suppliers and products and focus their interventions.

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Cost efficient

Muir is able to run its automated services at scale, for a fraction of the price of traditional carbon accounting methodologies.

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Improved risk management.

Companies are able to identify and mitigate their carbon risk, with Muir’s industry benchmark analytics.

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Action oriented results

Whether a company is evaluating suppliers, products, or material selection, Muir provides the granular data and analytics they need to systematically engage with their supply chain and manage their roadmap.